Well I don't know what it is you got barred for, but lets face it the place here is filled with clicks. If you ain't one of the boys in lock step with their ideas, your not really welcome here. Otherwise the club would have a great many more members.
Why sell your collection? Who says being a club member is the be all and end all of chip collecting? It seems some people here like you, so hang in. The club simply issues you a freakin' number bro and sends out their rag quarterly or whatever.
Getting kicked out of here is like getting kicked out of the book of the month club man, so don't sweat it.
You know your stuff in CA it seems so wait and see how many club members come asking for information. That's what chipping is about anyway people helping people, not some stupid alphabet soup named club that issues you a lousy number and kicks you to the curb for who knows what.
I don't know what you did but they have jail sentances that are serverd and then the guy is released. You musta done something pretty bad to get a life sentance.
Why were you ditched anyway? I am sure we'd all like to hear the story.