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The Chip Board Archive 11

5 new chip variations?

On my recent trip I discovered these chips which seem to be new issues or variations. On the Kewadin chips the word "casino" and the background is definitely darker on one chip.

On the Blue Chip $2.50 the older chip is darker pink inside the star. The new chip is darker outside the star.

On the $1 Menominee chip one is a lighter blue than the other and the printing on the darker one is heavier. This one is questionable in my mind and I only have one of the lighter version.

The Lac Vieux chips may just be a case of bad resin. One chip has the $.50 in red much lighter than the other. The brown circle is also much lighter.

The Menominee $.50 chips has one with a darker yellow background and darker red and darker grey. The lighter chip is satin finish and the darker one is linen finish.

So what say you? Are these all variations?

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5 new chip variations?
Re: 5 new chip variations?
Re: 5 new chip variations?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg