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The Chip Board Archive 11

Generic - Not my cup of tea !!!

I looked thru my collection of Generic Roulette/Poker chips and I found some chips that were very similar to but not exactly the same design as the Seneca Roulettes. I would still consider this to be a generic Roulette chip. I define a generic Roulette as one that has no Casino name or recognizable "Logo" on the chip. I don't know if the manufacturer of these chips made this particular geometric "design" exclusively for the Seneca Casino. As far as collectibility - these chips are definitely at the bottom of the Totem Pole (a little Indian humor). Travis was right in his earlier post "R.I.C.H. would not ste--- (acquire) these chips." Some one like Robert Esinstadt or some other poker chip collector may well have an example of this generic chip in his collection.
The above is my best assesment of the chips in question.
"Mr Roulette" - not "Mr. Generic"
P.S. The chips shown below are "real" Roulette Chips.

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Roulettes for Sale or Trade
Take a look at the Seneca Allegany Roulette...
Generic - Not my cup of tea !!!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg