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The Chip Board Archive 11


After returning from London to teach at Loyola, LA,I looked and looked for a genuine "reproduction" English Pub but alas found none that had the great bitters I enjoyed in England. Then on my last day, I missed my regular bus to Malibu from down town LA so had to take a bus to Ocean Boulevard where I would take a bus north on Californaia 1; I arrived with a half hour to spare and there on the corner was a joint advertising itself as an English Pub; I went inside and there were the dart boards but more important at the bar were ales gravity pulled....and I had to go back to NY the next day. sad

Messages In This Thread

NCR-When in Vegas, where is an English-like Pub?
The only place that comes to mind is...
Re: NCR-When in Vegas, where is an English-like Pu
Re: NCR-When in Vegas, where is an English-like Pu
Crown & Anchor-1350 E. Tropicana
Re: NCR-When in Vegas, where is an English-like Pu
Re: NCR-When in Vegas, where is an English-like Pu
Re: NCR-When in Vegas, where is an English-like Pu

Copyright 2022 David Spragg