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The Chip Board Archive 11

Who has the guts

Gee you guys will have to spell out exactly what is you are saying if you got the guts.

You seem to be good at running your mouths, so send me your home address, or I can find it myself, and we can get the show on the road.

Now who has the guts?

Neither? That's a safe bet. When the service hits your door, you can bet you'll be singing a different tune.

Anthony is just sour grapes - right Anthony?

Come on now boys - speak up - cat got your tongue?

Yeah - I dare either of you - out with it!

Better be quiet while there is still time.

Messages In This Thread

VIRUS Warning! Sasser worms
No worries....
Re: No worries...
Jim, MacIntosh....
Re: Why I run Netscape for my browser grin
No Worries at my MacHome...
Before you MAC users sigh of relief.....
Forget all about those virus programs
Re: Forget all about those virus programs
Re: Forget all about those virus programs
Re: Forget all about those virus programs
Re: Forget all about those virus programs
If you haven't got anti-virus by now
Re: If you haven't got anti-virus by now
grin vbg grin
Re: If you haven't got anti-virus by now
Re: If you haven't got anti-virus by now
Bye Now Andy
My silence shows only.......
Re: My silence shows only.......
Good one!
Why oh why....
Re: Forget all about those virus programs
EXACTLY What I was thinking....
Who has the guts
Boy, That didn't take long! vbg
Just what I though
Whadda' Dork! rofl
Talk is cheap
See my email.....
Mike Poole Don't be threatened
Awww, He's just throwing a tantrum again.
Re: Mike Poole Don't be threatened
Re: Talk IS cheap ... I retract my post
Thanks Bill for mentioning that....
grin Thanks, Andy...
re; it just never ends
grin You're wrong...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg