The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 11

Why does this board attract loons?

I'm on several boards relating to various interests and have never seen the level of crazy as some of the posters on this board.

I could understand if this was a forum for politics or religion... those discussions usually bring out the worst in folks... but this is chip collecting.

My favorite post over the last few months was the person who said, "chip collectors are the lowest form of life and make them want to puke..." or something like it.

Are we ripping people off on ebay and they are taking their wrath out on the board members?

Are we cantankerous old farts?

What gives?

Messages In This Thread

Why does this board attract loons?
Loons.........Bird Watchers
Loons rofl
Your Right
You haven't seen anything until you have...
Re: Why does this board attract loons?
Re: Why does this board attract loons?
4: Slang for Canadian Dollar coin
No -- That's a Loonie and the ...
Re: No -- That's a Loonie and the ...
Re: Why does this board attract loons?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg