Greg; I trust your judgement in how YOUR Message Board is operated.
Yes, there are occassional problems with some folks who come and go and who don't want to play the game properly ... but they are eventually dealt with and leave here to go play in their sandboxes. I think that your open-door policy is best and it encourages well-meaning folks to jump in every once in a while to constructively contribute.
I believe that there was an unofficial poll taken recently on thechipboard and that the overwhelming number of responses from readers of this message board was to leave it the way it is. Howver, having said that, I also belive that those posts which deliberately impersonate others ... either by name or IP addresses ... should be deleted. In my opinon, deleting such posts is NOT censorship. If folks want to have their say, then have the courage to post your real name and email address. Newspapers will not publish annonymous Letters to the Editor without a name and a phone number ... so why should this message board be any different?