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The Chip Board Archive 11

Question for the Judge

Mr. Judge,

I have been reading your posts for a few weeks now and have one question that I have been dying to ask. You constantly say you enjoy posting and the hobby. However, all your posts are meant to create controversy and ill will (Especially with the language). I have never seen one post from you offering to Buy, Sell, or trade chips. For that matter, I dont think you have ever made a post that was even remotely related to chips.
Why do you love this hobby as you say you do? Do you even collect chips?, Why post on this board at all if all you are trying to do is prevoke others?
I really dont mean this as a slam in any way, I just plain cant figure it out... there has to be some purpose.

Messages In This Thread

TO GREG, Posting On Your Board ?
Question for the Judge
Re: Answer From The Judge grin
Re: TO GREG, Posting On Your Board ?
His only objective is to try and disrupt....
Re: A child crying for attention
Well said. You're a class act, Greg. grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg