Hey Doug,
How about a vote on location of the meetings. Frasier may be a inconvenient place for the folks that live in Detroit, but for us that live south, it's a bear to get to.
My own personal feelings are, besides the fact that having it someplace on the south side of Detroit, or Ann Arbor would be much easier for me to get to, but I think there would be a whole host of other people willing to come up. People from western and central Michigan, Ohio and even Chicago would have a much easier time getting to Ann Arbor.
I've spoken with various people that would love to come , but dont because of the Frasier location. I think the club is thought of to be more the Detroit Area Chip Club.
There would be no doubt, many more people wanting to join the club if it were only in a different location.
I think the members up there are great, and I wish I were able to make it up there more then just once or twice a year. Now if per chance the meetings were in Ann Arbor...I'd be there for every meeting!