When I posted my sale on the board, which I rarely do, I didn't know there is a policeman that watches for inacurracies. Apparantely there is, in the form of Rick Schwarz.Does he write to everyone who mispells words,or anyone who cannot compose a simple sentence, or anyone who cannot covey a simple message in words..It says allot about someone who polices the board all day to find other peoples so called mistakes. Then when you call on him privatey,he posts it on the board for everyone..Let me convey my message to him in public; I think your nuts and keep your comments to yourself, and let me emphazise NUTS, and to all that agree with him...I think they need Prozac to help them stabalize their minds.He may critizize me on not knowing computer savvy, but I'm critizing him on his intellegence, does he have any? This is just a message chat board and not a Congressional Hearing board. Its for fun and knowledge and not a place to pick fights..In closing I would like to say that the rude person is RICK SCHWARZ......Amen