I too have concerns similar to yours. As the amount of "building fund money" increases the possibility for real problems becomes greater. This is not intended to be taken as a criticism of any individual, group of individuals or our club officers.
Your "strange" comment stems from the fact that no one created a plan covering "our building" from the planning stage to its possible completion at a time certain in the future. In addition no planning was done as too how the club would operate and maintain this building if and when it should become a reality.
I also believe a committee should have been formed prior to collecting one cent. To collect $50,000 and than form a committee is not "good" business. However, it is not "bad" business either. It just means no one asked you or me the way we would have done It. It didn't happen that way. Now we must comform our planning to what's reality.
If we would have first requested volunteer members to form a committee for a club building we would still be waiting for volunteers. I guess crisis management is the alternative to getting anything done when you deal with volunteers. At least it seems that way.
I believe President Mike and his board will grab hold of the situation and place it on a proper business footing. Be patient it will happen soon. I'd bet on it!
Best, Jim