Will the owner of the following chips on my list like to trade for any of the chips in the scan? If you have an extra chip from the following list:
$1.00 -- 7 Clans - Warroad, Mn -- white chipco
$1.00 -- Prairie Wind - Oglala, SD
$1.00 -- Royal Dutch -- Costa Rica -- chipco
$1.00 -- Kaw Nation Gaming - Newkirk, OK -full graphic inlay
$1.00 -- Choctaw Casino - Durant, OK
$1.00 -- Keetoowah Casino - Tahlequah, OK
$1.00 -- Casino Edmonton - Yellow chipco poker/craps
$1.00 -- Menominee Nation -- 2003 issue without a date
and you want to trade for any chip in the scan below please email me.
Thanks, Larry