I think you are correct.. Since the lowest successful bid was for all 3 items at 18.68 and any subsequent bidder would have to bid higher than that. If he had bid on only 2 of the items and noone had bid for the third one he would have won them at 16.66 each. Now that you have a higher bid the top bidder gets the first one at 18.68 (the lowest successful bid) and the guy who bid for 3 in the beginning gets 2 of them at 18.68 each.. or he has the option to decline purchase of any units since he will not get the full quantity that he initially bid for. Seems like they changed the bidding policy a bit also.. I seem to remember in the old days you could bid a penny or 2 higher than the lowest bid, not have to bid a full bidding increment higher. Obfuscation seems to be the rule when it comes to Dutch auctions.. maybe that is why there are such strict requirements before they let you run one.. (feedback rating of 30) LOL