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The Chip Board Archive 10
Thanks to all...
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Re: Please dispell or confirm this rumor
I know what I'm buying come May...
Messages In This Thread
Please dispell or confirm this rumor
Jill, say it isn't so??
Elaine... YOU do it! PLEASE???
Re: Jill, say it isn't so??
Re: Please dispell or confirm this rumor
Re: Please dispell or confirm this rumor
Do they still use lead and if not
Re: Do they still use lead and if not
Re: Do they still use lead and if not
Re: Do they still use lead and if not
Re: Do they still use lead and if not
Re: Do they still use lead and if not
Re: OSHA????
Re: OSHA????
Not To Worry!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Please dispell or confirm this rumor
Also included in those bottles are.....
Where did you buy them?
Re: Where did you buy them?
I saw them at The Orleans gift shop....
Re: I saw them at The Orleans gift shop....
Bryan. Now don't cringe!...
Re: Bryan. Now don't cringe!...
Ouch... it's like lookin' at a train wreck!
Re: Where did you buy them?
Re: Where did you buy them?
Thanks to all...
Thanks to all... Chip Puzzle in a bottle
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