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The Chip Board Archive 10

Seen the price of Superbowl Tickets??? (NCR)

I cant believe what some people are paying for tickets to the game. You could buy a new 50" Plasma TV and watch the game drinking Crystal with caviar for less money. Not to mention what some people are charging here in Houston for rental of thier homes. Maybe I should offer up my guest room for chips?????

On another subject, what a great 5 year run for Houston Sports.
1) New Baseball Satdium - Minuite Maid Pard (AKA Enron Field)
2) New Football Stadium - Relient Stadium
3) New Basketball/Hockey - Toyota Center
4) Superbowl 2004
5) MLB All Star Game 2004
6) The Texans (Hey give them a few years)
7) Yao Ming
8) and now to top it all off, Andy Pettit and Rocket Roger in the same month. Now all we need is Mariano Riveria.

Cheers from Houston Texas (AKA Superbowl City)
Doug (R3209)

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Seen the price of Superbowl Tickets??? (NCR)
Re: Seen the price of Superbowl Tickets??? (NCR)
Re: Seen the price of Superbowl Tickets??? (NCR)
I'm quite sure it's Cristal

Copyright 2022 David Spragg