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The Chip Board Archive 10

"Make Me Pay" Pro Football Contest "UPDATE"

Uh-ho…….We lost a few folks this week. I agreed to send the chips pictured below to whomever correctly guessed the loser of Superbowl XXXVIII and the MVP. Plus, I’d donate $100.00 to the building fund if someone gets it right. Here’s this weeks results.

Andy Hughes and Kevin Aydelott were out last week.

Those who got the boot sad this week are:

Marc Shapiro… M. Faulk as MVP. St. Louis lost.
Ken Fellela… Green Bay would lose in the Superbowl. They lost this weekend.
Tracy Norman… Holmes would be MVP. K.C. lost.
Doug Spear… St. Louis would lose in the Superbowl. They lost this weekend.
James Jewart… Favre would be MVP. Stupid pass cost ‘um.
Andy Brown… McNair would be MVP. Tennessee lost this weekend.
Tom Mgerack… Green Bay and Holmes. Both lost this weekend.
Jim Gagnon…McNair for MVP. Tennessee lost.
Will Knight…K.C. and Favre. Both lost.
Phyllis Spagnola…Green Bay in the Superbowl. Won’t happen.
John Zoesch…Tennessee and Favre. Both lost.
Harry Sauer…McNair for MVP. He’s out.
Tom Leggio…St. Louis in the Superbowl. No way, Tommy!!
Bryan Jimison…Favre for MVP. Out.
Dave Swaney…K.C. I was rootin’ for them too. But, no dice.
Lin Weisenstein…K.C. Out.
Charles Davis…St. Louis and Favre. Both gone.

That leaves (7) survivors out of (26) who still have a shot. They are:

Michael Cuddy with….New England and McNabb.
Mark Rollo with….Philly and Brady.
Pam Goertler with….New England and Brady.
Rich Meyer with….New England and McNabb. Earliest entry would win. That would be Michael.
Greg Stormberg….New England and McNabb. Earliest entry would win. That would be Michael.
Steve Birrell….Indy and McNabb.
Bob Stoops….Philly and Manning.

How about a Panther in the mix. Can you say Carolina or “Delhomme.” grin

Good luck to all this weekend.


Copyright 2022 David Spragg