The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 10

Dear Newbies

I'm not certain my experience is much different from the other "donating chippers."

When Andy first proposed the giving of chips to the next 20 ccgtcc I took some time to think over my involvement. After a week or so when I saw that his proposal was getting popular support I signed on and was happy to do so.

I had the time to ponder what chip(s) I would send. Would I send a $5 chip, that's what I collect, or what? I finally decided that I'd send two chips: a $1 Augustine, Thermal CA and a $2.50 Spotlight "Trump" 29, Coachella CA, both CA Indian. In that choice I felt I was giving two chips you might not already have. I was giving a $1 because $1's are very popular. And a "snapper" as you might want to collect those. I emailed Sunday Silverman who lives near and had volunteered to give chips as well to make sure we would not be giving the same chip.

I drove over to the two casinos and purchased the chips, went by Office Max for the bubble envelopes, and the USPO to get the postage. I set up a print program for the address labels I'd make when I got the info from Andy. I wrapped the chips, prepared the envelopes, and wrote a short letter of intro/info. When Andy sent the addresses I took everything to the USPO and got them on their way.

From 10 of the “Newbies” I’ve received some nice emails and a very nice letter, greatly appreciated. Some others have posted a “thank you” on the Chat Board indicating they got my chips. But, I’ve not heard from 10 of you so I don’t know if my chips have made it to you or not. I’m hoping Bob Jines got his too as I used the original ZIP code.

Maybe I’m getting old but my Mom always insisted I write appreciation notes for gifts I received. And, my Dad taught me to always hold the nozzle while filling up my car so I wouldn’t cause an accident, who does that anymore either?

I’m disappointed with the MIA’s but if Andy calls on us again I’ll be glad to volunteer.

Just my opinion...

Messages In This Thread

Dear Newbies
Re: Dear Newbies
I agree with you Mike. 100%.
Re: I agree with you Mike. 100%.
Re: I agree with you Mike. BUT
Re: I agree with you Mike. BUT

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