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The Chip Board Archive 10

Extra! Chips on Lay-Away? Ya gotta be kidding! Extra!

No, we're not! grin

In addition to accepting payment by checks, money-orders, and the oh-so-convenient PayPal, 2Chippers has added a 3rd payment option titled "Lay-Away". This option allows you to place an order and specify that you would like it to be held on Lay-Away until you're ready to make payment.

Here's a few situations in which a Lay-Away payment option can be convenient...

1) you can only find one chip you want at this time and want to put it on lay-away until two more come out so you can reach the 3-chip discount.

2) rather than mailing lots of checks/money orders for lots of small orders, you'd like to save on postage and just pay for everything once at the end of the month.

3) you see one or more chips you really neeeeeeeeeeed, but don't have the cha-ching to pay for it today, so you put it on lay-away until pay day! grin

Just one more way that 2Chippers is trying to better serve the hobby!

Don't forget we also...
1) offer FREE Shipping on collectables.
2) include FREE casino collectables in every order.
3) donate a portion of your order to the CCGTCC Building Fund!
4) have a full line of supplies including flips, pages, air-tites, frames, books, etc.
5) allow you to list your casino collectables for sale on

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Extra! Chips on Lay-Away? Ya gotta be kidding! Extra!
Re: Extra! Chips on Lay-Away? Ya gotta be kidding! *

Copyright 2022 David Spragg