Below is what I wrote last week. One thing I did not calculater correctly is that if Ralph's Rams lost & Katie's Eagle's won that Katie would still have a chance. That is because I was totaling the points tie breaker using ALL the points scored from the start of the season. When I should have been just using the total points scored for the 2nd half. As it turns out Ralph still wins over Katie, but by only TWO points & he comes in 2nd. His Rams scored 234 2nd half points & Katie's Eagle's scored 232 points. Greg is the winner of the 2nd half on the winners side.
Poor Katie Smith saw her Eagles lose yesterday in overtime which knocked her out of the running. That leaves Greg Stormberg's New England Patriots & Ralph Myers Saint Louis Rams as the only two undefeated teams left in the 2nd half. If they both win next week then Ralph would win with the tie breaker (whoever scored the most points) since the Rams have scored 110 points more than the Patriots.
On the losers side we are waiting for the results of the Giants & Arizona games. I'll have a complete post with the winners & who mails to who after the last game tonight. Andy - Las Vegas