"If the machines do not stay busy and maintain a drop equal to other machines on the floor, you can bet they'll be gone." - Gene Trimble
Gene; I can't speak for what I don't see in Las Vegas ... but I know what I DO see in Atlantic City. I see rows and rows of slot machines on some properties that don't have anyone playing them. My thoughts are that perhaps a silver strike machine or two IMHO would probably generate more revenue for the casino than the idle machines I see week after week after week.
I also think that the secret to the successful Palms Silver Strike program is that they change the designs on the coins periodically. Part of the problem in A.C. was that they kept the same strikes in the machines too long. After virtually everybody who collected these things had their fill of the same strike, they quit playing the machines. Got to have some variety. I also think that the policy of turning in 20 $10 strikes for a $200 strike as The Palms offers is a money-maker for the house too and keeps the players happy.
The other side of the token (excuse the pun) is the rapid turnover to TITO machines which discourages coin-in and payouts of any type of token ... silver strikes included.