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The Chip Board Archive 10

Yes I am sad

Recent change in employment this fall (after buying a new house this summer) has prompted me to exchange chips for cash... and I had to decide between "200 x $5 auctions" or "5 x $200 auctions".

My goal was $10,000. By the end of the month (hopefully), I will have met (and exceeded) that. And yes - four of my prized Harrah's and my AC Chipco set sad were part a frantic need to recover from the damages left from my former employer sad sad sad

Not only did I lose my job - I was a signer on EVERYTHING sad When the company folded, I was out $1000's in unpaid wages and reimbursements... PLUS I got stuck with $1000's in bills sad
Got hit with a $500 utility bill today. sad (electric bill @ shop in Phoenix mad It was
in my name)

Gene says, "Relax... They are only little pieces of clay". He is right.

And I still have 1000's of chips. vbg
I still have 100's of Harrah's chips... 100's of Harrah's roulettes... and EVERY Harrah's LE ever released (except the Tahoe octagon)... so what's a handful of "treasures"?

People have emailed... people have called.
I assure you all... I am FINE. grin
In fact I am THRILLED I had a couple decent chips to sell to help me though this transition grin
because my "treasures" could have never been more valuable to me then they have been right now. grin

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eBay 3 Day sale eBay
Hey Jill, do you have a...
Jill, Tell me your not selling your $2.50 Gem
Yes I am sad

Copyright 2022 David Spragg