...to grow up on Long Island in the town that had THE New York area night club outside of NYC. At MY FATHER'S PLACE, they got lots of the acts that played at THE BOTTOM LINE and venues of that sort. Got to see James Taylor, CS&N, America, The Nice, George Carlin, Robert Klein, Firesign Theatre (yeah, they had comedy acts too), and too many others to name, but damned if I can remember the first one I went to.
During my college years, some of the more memorable concerts were...
...at the Rochester War Memorial got to see Pink Floyd AND Lou Reed for free!... the power blew out before the headliner, David Bowie, could come on.
...at R.I.T., got to see Genesis with my feet up on the stage. Peter Gabriel tried to kick 'em off 3 or 4 times. Hah! Caught his smoke bomb, too.
...at Roosevelt Stadium in Jersey City got blown away by The Band, but unfortunately in my main act stupor, wound up losing my glasses and never quite got a good glimpse of the Grateful Dead that night. Luckily, I wasn't the one driving.
Have to say, though, that in my opinion, through all of the concerts I've seen (including Springsteen, The Who, the Stones, Led Zep...) the group that consistently put on the best shows was Jethro Tull. Gotta take my kids if they ever make it back to L.A.... missed 'em this year.