pporro (126) Member since: Friday, Sep 27, 1996
I think it wll be a long time before I reach 1000 but I had a seller comment on the date of my membership. Even funnier is that this was my second account after I sent a negative to someone for their auction of James Bond Chips with a certificate of authenticity and they and a friend dumped two Negs on me.
My star is the same color as yours and Dukes, kind of turquoise on my computer. But Skips is Red at the 1020 range.
I'm not going to get into star color envy, and if you hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't have noticed anything.
What's the star color mean anyway?
If I see Kitty with 1391 positive, that's what counts. Even the Power Seller ranking has more to do with dollar volume than anything else. Yes the seller gets benefits as well, but to a buyer?
Here, this is for you Kitty!