First off, you are correct in that the site is for Win Cards related items only. (I guess I was not over zealous about the Avi 5 NCV, I only thought I deleted it, but I bet you didn't post it.)
Anyway, Win Cards stuff only, please.
I will work with my web-page developer (daughter), but we know how well they take direction...
Also, nothing will happen for the next week as I enjoy a cruise! In the meantime, standard navigation arrows appear at the top and bottom of every page. A single left or right arrow will move you left or right of the page you are on. The arrows with an extra horizontal line are fast forward arrows, i.e., they will take you to the last page or first page, skipping all intermediate pages.
Images are ordered in the order in which they are up-loaded, until I come along and move them around.
I appreciate all the comments and will consider eveyone's constructive observations as this project matures.
Jim Follis