Well Jim Did it again Put together one wonderful show, in a great casino, first time visit for me). I got to put alot of faces with names ( James C., Skip, Armin, Doug, Jodie) and a host of others I can't remember right now. I picked up a pile of large crowns, also saw a bunch that were out of my range right now
but when I get back to speed I'm sure they WILL be mine. I want to thank Steve McLendon for letting me park my butt at his table, I got tired out pretty fast between trips to all of the tables. I also want to thank everyone who came up and wished me well and said it was wonderful to see me up and going again. I'm sure there will be pictures posted sooner or later, seems like everyone had a digital camera and was taking pictures of everyone. I wish I could go back on Sat. but I'm not going to beat a good thing, I had to beg the Doc for today
As soon as I get time I'll post my New LCs for all to see.