At the second club convention, I had a friend
buy a good AC Chip from Bruce Landau.To pay part of the price, he gave Bruce a 1000.00 Aladdin
Chip which he got on the craps table through a
marker. When Bruce took the chip to the cage, he
went through all kinds of questioning as to how
he obtained the chip. Bruce told how it was given to him in payment of a sale.The casino made my
buyer friend redeem the chip against his marker,
after all kinds of arguments that he was going to issue a check to the casino on departure. He felt his line was adaquate to cover the "LOAN" from the
Aladdin for the chip. The Aladdin was very upset
and thtreatened to cancel my friends line if he
ever walked with chips again. This was a 1000 Vs 5000.