Rick; Have you emailed Mr. Moyer with your sentiments? I would think that trademark or copyright issues are run past a casino's legal department.... or perhaps it does not apply in this case.
I know when some casinos were doing superbowl chips in the past and couldn't get approval for the term "Superbowl", they simply put another name on the chip with a generic football theme that was issued during SuperBowl week.... maybe even the date of the Superbowl would make it a superbowl issue without getting permission?
The past few years, the Miss America pageant would not give permission to use Miss America on casino chips as had been done in previous years. Hard Rock Cafe in A.C. skirts the issue each year when they produce their popular Miss A. Hard Rock pins simply by using suggestive alternate graphics and let the buyer use their own imagination. I think this years HRC pin has a rolling chair and "Pageant Week" ... or something to that effect. One year, HRC simply had an open convertible and a generic beauty contestant with her crown sitting on the back cowling which was issued during pageant week. Everybody knows that this is a Miss America pin. To my knowledge, Miss A. is unable to do anything about it.
I was surprised that none of the casinos here put out a chip for the recent highly successful airshow held on the beachfront a few weeks ago that attracted tens of thosands of visitors to the city.
At any rate, I'm happy to see that Todd is sharing his thoughts publicly with readers of this message board on planned future chip issues. Like Todd or not, he has been a man of his word with respect to putting out ALL of the Trump Marina chips on the table and does not hold any back. If it's an issue of 1000, you can safely bet that 1000 chips will be delivered to the designated table on release day.