Miner's Club, Ely isn't in TGT, but it is in Fullers Index. Fuller has the opening date as 3-27-31. That's all it has.
I can add a little to that. The address was 444 Aultman Street. It's on a RPPC we have, that was postmarked 7/5/40, I'm guessing it was still open. It was between a "Tango Shop" (?!?) and the "State Cafe". It served Blatz Beer, and Cyrus Noble Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey . Haven't a clue what games they might have had.
Postcards show the Owl Club at this location, and TGT says "was Miners Club". TGT & Fuller's Index both have the Owl Club at 450 Aultman, phone books have it as 444 Aultman.
Fuller doesn't have an opening date for the Owl Club, TGT has an opening date of 1948....but it's in the 1945 phone book. Maybe they didn't have gambling in 1945?
Also at this location, was the Alpine Club, though Fuller and TGT both show it as 448 Aultman. The 1955 phone book lists it at 444 Aultman. The picture that Mark Engelbretson posted shows that it was the same location as Miners Club and the Owl Club.
This post is all "MARK'S" fault!!! (Engelbretson started it by posting the pic of the Alpine Club, Ericksen joined in by being confused.....now I'm cross-eyed from phone books and postcards and Fullers and TGT and....!