I agree with your philosophy Robert but I think the only reason that they stick with the old way is that otherwise they may not get enough nominations to make the whole thing work. People are basically lazy and sending in a nomination is at least a little bit of work. I do like the idea of a committee to nominate the chips (with input from members)before a final vote with everyone allowed to vote. I know that I hesitate every year before sending in a nomination since I am not a big LE collector and am unsure of the isue dates. Right now I think that it would help the club to get members more involved in ANY club activity no matter how small. Otherwise members just think "I paid my dues, got 4 magazines now what do I get?" I am not really criticizing the current process simply wondering how we can get members more involved in all factions of the club activities. It gets back to the idea of how to retain current members that has been discussed for the last year or so.