$5 chip of my choice to the correct guess for, who makes the 1st post, in each of the following catagories, when the Jan Mag is due:
Who is 1st to post:
1.When is the club mag being mailed?
(qualifier) Post must be made within 24 hours of Allan posting "Club mag is in the mail"
2.No mag in (any city)
Qualifier, Post must be made within 24 hours of Allan posting "Club mag is in the mail"
3. No mag in (any state)
Qualifier, Post must be made within 24 hours of Allan posting "Club mag is in the mail"
4. No mag in NJ
(Barry wins this one automaticly)
5. Who replies, "you should have paid 1st class and then a 3 paragraph post on why you should have paid 1st class.
(Archie wins this one automaticly)
6. Who posts I don't give a Sh*t.
(I forgot who should win this one)
7. Who posts, "Quit complaining ASSH0LE."
8. Who posts "contact the USPS"
(geez Archie wins number 2)
9. Who makes the 92nd post in a thread. No mag yet in (any city)
( qualifier, must have the )
10. 1st one to post "No Mag YET" and then we find out his membership number expired in 1998 or before.
11, 1st one to post "Mag Arrived Hooray!
(Qualifier, must have ) (
does not count.)
12. 1st one to post Mink Coat for Sale and does NOT mention the mag.
13. 1st person that gives us a daily update on their mag status for 22 days in a row. AND does not use a
14. 1st person to post "The USPS sucks"
Ok gang guess away.
Jim Follis is in charge of judging the winners.
Email your guess to him by Sept 30.