You're beating a dead horse (again) Robert.
Voting for the OTY awards is a very simple matter. Those club members who submit a single nomination are automatically on the balloting committee as judges. If some members do not wish to be a judge ... that's fine ... then they don't get to vote. Liken it to registering to vote in the U.S. elections if you will. Not registered?? ... then you don't get to vote.
Every club member is eligible to vote for the OTY awards ... simply by submitting one single nomination for A chip, or one single token nomination, or one single silver strike nomination, or one single nomination for a slot card. OTY Chairman, Jim Follis, has made significant improvements to the process that makes it easier than ever to participate as a judge.
To Rick; (who posed the question) ... Simply nominate YOUR favorite chip, token, silver strike, or slot card next year when the call for nominations are announced, and you will automatically be on the OTY judges panel to receive a ballot to vote for all of the eventual winners.