(shut up Pam!) Thanks for the laugh.
Here's the point of this. The one on the left is the most common 8-suits. Also sometimes called 8SHCD? Although no matter which way you turn it, the suits don't read that way.
The one of the spades and one of the diamonds are backed by the same. Otherwise, all opposing and backed suits are different.
Now example two, a Bud Jone 8 suits. Diamonds are opposite diamonds and backed by diamonds. Hearts = Hearts. Clubs are opposite, but backed by spades.
#2 is the same as #3 except three lines on inner ring and square edge inserts.
So if I read this right, example #2 and #3 are 8SHCD and example #1 is 8-suits?
Or doesn't anyone really care that three different molds are all called the same thing?