Archie - We seem to be in agreement about most of this. In my previous message, I stated that both parties were operating outside of eBay rules. And that "it's pointless to involve eBay with a complaint about this transaction". You make the same points in your follow up message. In addition, I have stressed that negative feedback should only be given "AFTER sending this seller numerous emails, calling him, and giving him several weeks to respond..." If the seller does turn out to be dishonest, I feel that something should be done. I can't really tell if you do or not. Your most recent message suggests that you feel that nothing should be done, given the small amount of money involved. However, In your previous message, rather than leave negative feedback, you state "There are more practical ways about getting one's pound of flesh." That message sounds like you do feel that something should be done. Do you? What did you have in mind for getting that pound of flesh? I'm not familiar with the procedure in filing an official complaint with the Claims Director. You made it clear that you would not file such a complaint. I too, would not file such a complaint. My reason would be that I wouldn't want to tie up club resources (somebody's time) for a buck. However, I strongly believe that one should attempt to fix every wrong that he can, as soon as he can. Perhaps our viewpoints have been of some help to the buyer. I will conclude be saying that I think most readers of this message board believe that taking money and promising something in return, but not delivering it, is wrong...regardless of the dollar amount. Nothing more than my opinion, and you paid me exactly what it is worth.