I guess it was about time I actually admitted that to myself (after all, I've been told that most of my life by some people anyway.)
In any case here is the senerio (in case anyone is interested.)
Last night I bought a new scanner(HP) and couldn't get it to work. So at 4:00 A.M., I got a hold of HP technical and after I told them what I did and what the scanner didn't do, they decided that the scanner was defective.
Ok, so I was back at CompUSA when they opened up this morning and exchanged the HP for a Microtek, took it home, installed the software and still no picture. Called Microtek three times and spoke to three different people and they all agreed that the new scanner was also defective.
Took the scanner back to CompUSA and was ready to exchange it for another, but thought that maybe they should try it out on one of their computers to make sure that it was the scanners fault and not the fault of my computer.
Sure enough, the scanner worked on their computer---so I Took it back home with me to try it again and sure enough, it still didn't work.
Then I took BOTH my computer and scanner back to CompUSA to let them install it. But stupid me again, I thought they would have a scanner power cord. They didn't so I had to come back home again and get mine (the one that was included in the box of my new scanner.)
And of course, it worked for them right away (while I was watching.) Frustrated? you bet. Couldn't figure out why it worked at the store by not at home.
Anyone know why???
Well, the dummy figured it out. Being as lazy as I am, I didn't want to get down on the floor to change plugs so I have been using the same plug for the new machine as I was for the old. when I mentioned this to the tec he said that more than likely the power cord had a different voltage.
In any case, that was the answer. I used the new power cord that came with the computer and and now at 5:00 PM (13 hours later) the result is attached. Wow, what a day.
Thanx to everyone for trying to help. I really appreciate it.