Yes Kyle, I knew Sonny. I met him years ago when working on the Hughes case. He ran the "Hole in the Wall" sportsbook located in the Castaways. The Castaways is where the Mirage now stands. Sonny was a unique man! For all practical purposes he started the football contests in Las Vegas.He also started the Monday Night Special Parlay Card with a free tee shirt. Sonny was a kind and gentle man who ALWAYS had time to talk sports and NEVER was too busy for anyone. When the Castaways was torn down Sonny eventually became the Sports Manager at the Rio. The Rio apparently did not like the way Sonny ran a Sports Book. Many say because he ran it like it should be run. Rio personel never could understand that. Sonny passed away a few months ago. I like many who knew him will miss him very much. I have many stories I could relate but now is not the time or place. Hope this helps.
Best, Mr."P"