NOTE:If you are not interested in this contest or football, please disregard any further messages posted with the subject "Fantasy Football Chippers Contest"
Last year we had 20 teams in the contest. Had a lot of fun. A few of us won a couple of chips. And a few of us lost a couple of chips.
But, everybody said they had fun. Let's top 20 this year!! Caution: You will need to devote a little time to this contest. I will explain everything if you're interested enough to jump in. As you can see, this is not about winning or losing a lot of chips. It's just about a little fun, friendly competition.
Because of interest expressed in both games, (head-to-head & total points) I’ve set up two leagues. One for the guys & gals who might enjoy weekly competition (maybe a small side wager) against your favorite chippin’ buddy. And one to just enjoy football and see how many points you can amass in 17 weeks.
The head-to-head league winners will be determined by three weeks of playoffs. (Weeks 15,16 & 17)
The total points league winners will be determined simply by most points scored.
Head-to-head league:
There will be chips awarded to the top (4) four finishers. Number of chips awarded will depend on number of teams in your league. I’ll let everyone know who owes who at the end of the regular NFL season
1st place team will receive (2) two $5.00 chips from all other teams. (coaches)
2nd place team will receive (2) two $2.50 chips from all other teams.
3rd place team will receive (2) two $1.00 chips from all other teams.
4th place team will receive (2) two NCV, win cards or UFC chips.
Total points league:
There will be chips awarded to the top (4) point scorers after the 8th week and the 17th week of regular NFL season play. Number of chips awarded will depend on number of teams in your league. I’ll let everyone know who owes who after week 8 and week 17. Team scores will restart at 0 again after week 8.
1st place total points leader will receive (1) one $5.00 chip from all other teams after weeks 8 AND 17.
2nd place total points leader will receive (1) one $2.50 chip from all other teams after weeks 8 AND 17.
3rd place total points leader will receive (1) one $1.00 chip from all other teams after weeks 8 AND 17.
4th place total points leader will receive (1) one NCV, win cards or UFC chip from all other teams after weeks 8 AND 17.
All I need to know at this time is: Which league you would like to be in. You can join both leagues if you’d like. I’ll email all the information you need later for those that are interested in signing up. Any questions?
Thanks…….Commish Rick