Thanks for the tip...I was told by another that Ugo is a pretty common name among the Basque people. It is worth checking out, though, and I do thank you.
May end up being another project for next trip to Nevada. Another fun day, and I do mean fun, I love it, of "Geezer Hunting." Lots of these older folks have great stories to tell about the old places. We need to be more diligent in getting out there and finding this info. The answers to many of these questions are being buried and cremated daily.
Here is a link to another quandry in Carson City, maybe you can figure out who these folks were. I have some answers, but I am still not convinced, I have the right ones. I do have a photo of the Capital Bar and it was at the right address. Here's the link with a picture of the ashtray and a brief explanation. My reference to harvey Fuller keeping notes on "soggy bar napkins" is incorrect, guess they were soggy Keno tickets...LOL!!
Thanks for your help and we will see what happens.