Thanks for the info. They seemed a little different than I had figured for clay. A little harder and smoother on the surface. I suppose though with some sort of finish or glaze and a good firing, clay could come out like this. I thought they were bigger than a typical chip. They just seemed so much bigger. I just grabbed a HR WHO chip along with one of the plastic chips from the other set that I posted and what I found is this. The chips from this set are a hair larger than the WHO chip (39mm). Maybe 40mm. The plastic chips in the other set mentioned below, they seem a tiny bit smaller than the WHO chip. Maybe 38mm. The chips from this set are noticably thinner than the HR Hat and Cane and the Plastic chip from the other set is almost the same but maybe thinner than the H&C chip.
Incidentally, I don't know why but there were a few red chips in the set that seemed to be a tiny bit darker and just a hair smaller than the others. They otherwise looked identical but stood out when stacked on their side as in the picture below. I would say that maybe some had to be replaced at one time but there were only 3 or 4 odd chips. All other chips seemed very consistant in size and color.
There were no white. Only Red, Green Blue and Brown.
Thanks again for the information.