I had to laugh about that too Katie! I think the trap my buddy Al has fallen into is, he believes the government's money is the government's money. It's our money! When the government "gives" a "rich" person money, they are in fact letting them keep some of their own money or giving some of it back.
When the public school system charges us $5000 to $9000 per year per child to educate the children of this country, and does a miserable job of doing so, we all have a huge problem. When a private school can charge $2500 to $4000 per year per child to do the same job and do it much better than the public school system, and some legislators believe parents of children who can't afford to send their kids to these schools shouldn't be able to use some of our money to send their kids to those schools as an alternative to the public school system, we have an even larger problem. ...and from what you told me last month in relation to the kids in one of the classes you taught last year, the problems are getting worse.