I picked up some examples of the newest £1 chips at the Westcliff Casino in England last night (not sure when it was released, but it is within the last 5 weeks which is when I was last there) and this now makes 5 different £1 chips in use at the same time!
However, nearly every chip shows some evidence of what appears to be colour bleeding, even after just a few weeks. Apologies for the quality of the scan, but on this one there is a green mark on the yellow running from about 1 o'clock to 3 o'clock. It is either colour bleeding or possibly the yellow plastic is so thin that the green below shows through? I was just amazed that this appears to some degree on every chip (from the 50 or so different chips I handled).
Also, and somewhat to my embarrassment, I also noticed one chip which appeared to have a crack in it. My curious nature led me to try and bend the chip slightly to see if it was a crack or just another mark across the chip. Unfortunately it was a crack and the slight pressure I put on the chip caused it to shatter at the table, bit flying everywhere! The dealer just sighed, scooped up as many pieces as she could find and gave me another chip for the 3/4 chip that I handed her! My wife, already embarrassed by my sorting through the new chips trying to find good examples as traders was enough to keep me quiet (for a while anyway!)
Chipping is so much fun!
p.s. some traders available!