Is that now's the time to be selling in the Bay Area. It's my second favorite area of the U.S. (behind NYC) and I wouldn't buy there right now. Anyone remember New York real estate in the late '80s/early '90s? It got so overpriced that when the market fell out around 1991 condos and co-ops became liabilities (the maintenance costs were more than the rent you could charge for them). I honestly believe SF and NYC are on those trends right now. I'd love to own property in either, but if I owned it i'd be selling.
Everyone's real estate opinion is flawed. But I'd point out that at the rpesent time the mortgage payment on a Las Vegas home is less than the rent one could get on the same home. (Bay area can't claim that) Also, Vegas is among the fastest growing areas in America (demand continues to grow). It is limited by BLM land policy (limited supply). And it continues to grow jobs while American unemployment as a whole (particularly alone NYC or SF) leaves more jobless.
So while I love the Bay Area, you may want to think about taking that fat cash you just made, pocketing $100K for the blackjack tables, and using the rest to buy a 2000+ sf house with a pool here in Vegas.
The following was a message from the "Al needs to make some money in Las Vegas real estate" foundation.
And yes SKIP, that's a real estate ad!