I personally think the idea is a terrible one, as stated earlier, the kids need to learn to integrate amongst everyone else. The fact that they may receive " a safe and hassle Free place to learn" will not help them once they are out of school and have to face reality. In Canada, our 1st nations people have received a lot of special treatment including segregated schools for a number of years, and what they found was exactly that, instead of helping the people ,it actually made it worse for everyone, as the natives were even less able to integrate themselves into the everyday world being they had been sheltered from it for so long, and the non-natives were not used to dealing with them either, creating a double dose of integration problems. Now those schools are being shut down and the children brought into the main stream schools in an attempt to correct the problem.
The other big issue I have with this concept is who decides who gets in?? What I mean is, suppose you have two gay people raising a child. I would assume they would be all over the idea of their child going to the "gay" school. But, what if that child is not gay? Is it going to ingest more harm in most cases that it does good?
Just my thoughts