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The Chip Board Archive 09
How is Ebay going to police itself if no one
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Re: Capone's on eBay: Bad Attitude & language ...
points out the hucksters who will do anything for a buck?
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Capone's on eBay: Bad Attitude & language ...
Re: Capone's on eBay: Bad Attitude & language ...
Get back on your meds, dude.
Katie, I have added this guy ...
You are probably right...
Re: You are probably right...
Re: You are probably right...
Re: You are probably right...
Re: You are probably right...
Okay....good night...
Kate "MAN" wrong word!!!!!
"You have no business provoking the seller ..."
This Explains It
Re: Thaks for posting the expose' Pete!
How is Ebay going to police itself if no one
Re: How is Ebay going to police itself if no one
Re: How is Ebay going to police itself if no one
Phil, I don't even know you...
Re: Capone's on eBay: Bad Attitude & language ...
Re: Capone's on eBay: Bad Attitude & language ...
Jim, you did the right thing...
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