In the spirit of all the contests on the board recently, I'd like to add another...
Below is a link to a VERY fun game for all you movie buffs. The game displays a series of movie posters to you and gives you multiple choice answers to identify the poster. You get three strikes and you're out! It has posters from recent and old movies alike, so there's something for everyone!
The person who emails me a screen shot of the highest score by noon tomorrow will win their choice of a $5 chip, a $1 chip, a $.25 chip, and a slot card from my Traders page (not much, but hey, it's all I've got ).
To capture a screenshot, simply press ALT+PrintScreen on your keyboard when viewing the results in the browser. Then open MS Paint (Start/Programs/Accessories/Paint) and click the Edit/Paste menu. Finally, save the file on your computer and attach it to an email to me.
Also, when you send me the email, please post your scores on the board. I think it'll be fun to see who's the top movie buff among us
You may send me multiple submissions, so play as often as you like! If you send me a score and it gets beaten, you can try again and send me a higher score.
In the event of a tie, we'll schedule a play-off between those tied for the win.
Have fun!