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The Chip Board Archive 09

Hey - Wyatt and I thank you for the package today!
In Response To: HERE'S THE LINK!!!!! ()

He needed two nickels to finish his catagory rows... and he found one in your package.
The bad part is he did a "major cull" for catagories months ago... and those woods were in a box or bag that I vaguely recall "stashing IN something" for "safety" (and in something stupid too... like in a cookie tin missed from Christmas) We haven't found those yet... so he's been really looking.

And your batch had a BLUE INDIAN LEFT (blue was the variation) so THAT row is done grin

And he liked the GOOD FOR A GAME one enough to replace something with it vbg.
He prefers unusual 3-5 word "GOOD FOR"s over "detailed advertising" and something other than GOOD FOR A DRINK/ BEER always gets his attention. Not sure what went back to the binder, but I noticed he left my personal favorite... GOOD FOR: "2 PREMARRIAGE COUNSELING SESSIONS" rofl

So thanks!! Very much! ESPECIALLY for the BLUE INDIAN facing LEFT. And thanks to EVERYONE who have contributed to Wyatt's collection over the past few years...
The Youth Exhibit at County Fair is in September and I am confident that he'll get some kind of ribbon! grin (I have to assume the Judges have Pez & Beanie Burn-out vbg )

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Jim Munding... here's a STUPID question for you
Hey - Wyatt and I thank you for the package today!
I'm glad there was something he could use! grin
Re: Jim Munding... here's a STUPID question for yo

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