It looks to me like there might be two DIFFERENT hot-stamps on Lance's chip. Note the script line as it flows from the "v" to "a" in "Nevada". The weaker of the two lines looks straight, whereas the stronger one is not. Now look at the 'tail' as it flows off of the last "a". One appears to flow from the top of the "a", while the other flows up from the bottom. Now look at the scan of my yellow Nevada Club arowdie mold (below). It has the straight line from the "v" to the "a", and the tail flowing up from the last "a". I haven't as of yet been able to positvely attribute this chip to the Beecher Tahoe Nevada Club. Since the SmKey chip is widely recognized as a Tahoe Nevada Club chip, could this apparant combination of the two help tie the Arowdie mold chip to that club as well?? Opinions please . Thanks!