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The Chip Board Archive 09

Kids say the darndest things
In Response To: A Failure To Communicate! ()

Not to long ago I mentioned to my 11 year old son that I was getting a root canal. He asked why, and I told him it was preparation for a crown. His eyes got big and he asked if I was going to get one of those cool looking gold teeth right up front. I told him no, it would match the rest of my teeth. He told me I should get a gold one since I could use a little "bling bling".

Bling Bling is a term meaning a flashy show of jewelry or wealth.

After getting the root canal, the dentist put on a temporary crown that was kind of a pale gold color. When I got home, I pulled up my lip, showed the temporary crown to my son and told him to check out my bling bling. He took one look at it and said, "That's brass Dad. You're gay!" grin


Messages In This Thread

A Failure To Communicate!
Is this the sweet child I'm supposed to...
Re: Is this the sweet child I'm supposed to...
We have a technical problem to ....
Re: A Failure To Communicate!
Re: A Failure To Communicate!
Kids say the darndest things
rofl Now that's funny. rofl
Child rearing is taken for granted
Re: Child rearing is taken for granted
Re: Child rearing is taken for granted

Copyright 2022 David Spragg