We have about 12 women meeting for breakfast...
and I have been asked that we are seated in the non-smoking section - so non-smoking it will be. (I'm a smoker but I can handle it )
7 of the ladies are chippers - 5 are not.
So guys - if you're bringing your wife or companion who gets bored with chips, encourage them to come out and "meet the girls". Kevin Aydelott's wife, Mary Jane, won't know a soul... but she's going
Rick Miner's friend Suzy won't know a soul, but she's going.
And to my delight, Brenda Black may be attending. I suspect that Brenda has somehow found the perfect balance of being a chipper's wife. (I mean - for gosh sakes, she's married to Mr. Chips ) She get's involved and knows alot of people. I think the non-chippers might be interested in hearing "how she does it" without driving her or Archie nuts. (Well - I don't SHE'S nuts at least - but you'll have to form your own opinion about Archie
ANYWAY - we're meeting at 7:30 am (a few minutes before) in lobby on Thursday morning for breakfast at the Trop. I imagine everyone is packing their undies and stacking their chips as we speak... so see you all Tuesday at the Palms!!