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The Chip Board Archive 09

ccgtcc Building Fund Table Update ccgtcc

Don't forget to bring your casino donations of merchandise and "Stuff" to BF table as soon as you can! grin

Remember, the first 50 people stopping by the table with a donation of merchandise OR $20, gets a free gift. These gifts were put together by Janice O'Neal and Donna Karli... with the help of many chippers. These thank-you gifts will be given - while supplies last - to those the first 50 people who show up at the BF table with merchandise - or - $20+ cash-money. (check is fine vbg We'll take it! rofl )

If you can throw in an extra $5 and make a donation of $25.00 (or more), Travis Lewin sweetened the pot by offering a FREE Desert roulette to those who make a $25 (or more)cash donation. This is ALSO a limited offer -so get your money to us early!!
Trav? How many can we send you?? rofl

The BF baskets are crammed with goodies - starting with CHOCOLATE CHIPS! (yup - chocolate poker chips... the edible kind! vbg ), playing cards, bungees, keychains, pens, slot cards, mardi gras beads. There are chips and roulettes in EVERY basket... a proverbial "bucket of casino-aholic bliss." vbg

Off the top - I wish to thank:

Janice and Donna... there's nothing I can say except THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! grin

A GREAT BIG BARREL OF THANKS goes to one "sweet"heart... Deb Miester. She purchased the CHOCOLATE CHIPS and had them shipped to Vegas. THANKS DEB! grin (will try to get us one!) vbg

THANKS to John Long and Andy Hughs (and the O'Neals of course) who donated vintage matches. EVERY BASKET will have unstruck books of vintage matches (I THINK they must be at least 3-4 books available for each) grin

Thanks to the people who sent other goodies... I shipped a 680 lb. box (felt like it! sad ) to Janice O'Neal. Last I heard, she was chasing a forklift down Tropicana Blvd - trying to get him to turn around and help her haul stuff in. rofl

THANKS to everyone who is volunteering their time to staff the table. Thank you thank you thank you!!

THANKS to everyone who is bringing merchandise for us to auction. Couldn't have an auction without your donations!

And thanks to Doug Spears and Richard Fellmen. They won't be at the convention - but they shipped merchandise donations to me which I'll deliver on their behalf. THANKS GUYS!

Well folks... in just over a week - it's SHOWTIME! grin
and ummmm... don't forget to BRING ME YOUR HARRAH'S! vbg See you in Vegas!

Messages In This Thread

ccgtcc Building Fund Table Update ccgtcc
Extra! And don't forget that donations of $100 Extra!
Re: Extra! And don't forget that donations of $100 *
You poor thing! sad
See how rough my life is? sad
If anyone sees Jill walking around with...
You don't think I can hide the evidence??
Hey Jill, Goody package in the mail vbg

Copyright 2022 David Spragg