A large number of the messages, well over 90% are informative and a small minority are negative. I tend to play duck and let the water shed off my back.
I look forward to the BB every day that I come to work and it's the first thing I read, after email.
There's almost always and answer about a UFC or some chip that someone picked up at a yard sale. People are always full of historic information.
If the BB drives someone away, they are a little thin skinned and short sighted. Overall, just about everyone here is friendly and interested in collecting as a hobby. Some of the best deals are found here. The best news and information is here daily. I'm sure the list is far longer.
I'm very proud of my pin that came in the mail today. Everyone with a number 1000 and down is now past the ten year mark in the club. Ten years and I'm still having fun...
Oh that was the short comment on chip collecting.
I'm having fun! hope both of you are as well.